A potential component of Project Rene, a significant project being developed for The Sims, could cause more scowls than smiles.

Considering how long The Sims 4 has lasted, it seems Maxis isn’t quite ready to say goodbye to it. However, with the introduction of Project Rene, The Sims’ universe will grow. The next game still leaves a lot of unanswered issues, but official material has been released at an excruciatingly sluggish rate.

A few leaks purport to provide a better insight into Project Rene’s future. This has to do with Denuvo’s inclusion, which might be exciting or controversial depending on your point of view.

Project Rene Leaks May Include Denuvo in the Upcoming Game:

Multiple leaks from Project Rene have been discovered. A few were released in 2022 and included gameplay from the impending game. Given that it includes a pre-release build of both the PC and Android versions, the most recent Project Rene leak is the most noteworthy. If the leak is true, Unreal Engine 5 is being utilized to develop the next game instead of Frostbite, which was the engine used for previous games.

There have been so many leaks to this point that it’s difficult to distinguish between the real thing and a hoax. This time, the leak appears to be more genuine than the last, but it should still be treated with caution in the absence of any official confirmation from Maxis or EA.

Why Project Rene Is Concerned About Denuvo:

A type of anti-tamper DRM called Denuvo keeps games from being pirated. Though pirates may occasionally crack the encryption with enough time and effort, the DRM prevents illicit tampering during a game’s debut, when the majority of its sales take place. Certain titles, such as Lies of P, were first released with Denuvo but were later discontinued, presumably because by that time it had fulfilled its intended function.

While there doesn’t seem to be anything to dislike about the DRM at first glance, Denuvo has a poor reputation. The fact that it alters game performance is among the most common critiques.